How to Participate


Help fulfill our mission to promote human dignity, justice, and peace by amplifying real stories of Dalit communities. By making a gift now, you can join hundreds of Dalit Story Tellers, who believe that every human being should enjoy life free from violence and discriminations. Make a donation to Dalit Story today, so we can ensure that no story of Dalits people goes untold.


Dalit Story aims to make a coalition of hundreds of storytellers across the country, and we continue to grow daily. Therefore, as a storyteller you can contribute us through collecting the stories from ground.

Dalit Story Clubs at local level coordinate human rights education activities and communicate with members and organizational partners in their areas. These club members are very involved in community level advocacy through collecting stories. To get involved locally, contact the Dalit Story Club representative nearest you. If you would like to learn more about how to become a member of the Dalit Story Club for your location please contact us.


You can form a Dalit Story Club (DSP) club of Dalit and Dalit youths aged 18-30 in your location. You need to register the local level DSP club to the SUS. After the formation of the club you need to maintain the monthly meeting of the club, which need to identify the emerging issues for advocacy related to the local Dalit communities, and make a plan to address the issue in the collective way. After the formation of DSC, necessary office equipment e.g. registers, activity log book and admin box will be provided by the SUS. At the end of the first year of the project an annual conference of the DSC will be held at the district. The conference will formed a district level network of Terai-Dalit youth Alliance (TDYA), where the representative of all DSCs will be elected through democratic process. Likewise, the TDYA conference will finalize the mission, vision, goal and three years strategic action plan. In order to empower by exercising their ideas, the Alliances will be supported to take initiative on concurrent issues at district level which will promote sustained claiming.