Documents related to Dalit Access to Justice
Documents related to Dalit Human Rights and Fact Finding Mission
- Ajait Mijar Murder Fact Finding Report
- Dalit Caste Index
- DALIT NGOs The Universal Periodic Review (UPR)
- Dalit Women Specific Recommendations Received from the UPR, CEDAW and CERD, and their Implementation Status 2022
- Kaski Bhadaure CBD&U Factfinding Report
- Fact Finding Report by Women, Children and Social Welfare Sub-Committee under the Parliament of Nepal
- Fact finding report by DNF Nepal on Shiva Shankar Das Case
- Press release by MOHA on Rautahat Bhimdawar Case
- Press Release by National Human Rights Commission on Rautahat Bhimdawar Case
- Factfinding mission report by Dalit Civil Society on Rautahat Bhimdawar Case
- Factfinding mission report by Dalit Civil Society on Rautahat Bhimdawar Case
- दलित नागरिक समाजद्वारा काभ्रे सानो वाङ्थली ७ की लक्ष्मी परियारको हत्या सम्बन्धमा तयार गरिएको
- सप्तरी जिल्लाको साविकको काचन गाविस घटना अध्ययन प्रतिवेदन
- ललितपुर महानगरपालिका नख्खुडोल घटनाको प्रतिवेदन, २०७४
- गुल्मी मुसिकोट जातीय विभेद स्थलगत अध्ययन प्रतिवेदन
- कपिलवस्तु जातीय विभेद स्थलगत अध्ययन प्रतिवेदन
Freedom of Religion and Dalit Communities in Nepal
- NEPAL Freedom of Religion or Belief
- SAFFORB NEPAL Delegation
- SUS COVID-19-FORB-Research-Report-Nepali (2)
- SUS Freedom of Religion or Belief of Religious Minorities in Nepal
Opinion Pieces
- जातीय विभेदको सहरिया अनुहार रूकमणी नेपाली
- जात व्यवस्थामा रामराज्यको दलन- आहुति
- जातीय जन्जिर – प्रकाशचन्द्र परियार
- छोरीको प्रश्न : बाबाको घरभित्र म किन पस्न नहुने ? – बिन्दु परियार थापा
- छुवाछुतमुक्त राष्ट्रमा अन्तरजातीय प्रेम किन वर्जित ? – गोपाल नेपाली / सविता कोइराला
- लज्जित छु, तिम्रो प्रेमको रक्षा गर्न सकिनँ ! – गीता रसाइली
- ज्यानमारा ‘जात’ – रूपबहादुर विश्वकर्मा
- गणतन्त्रमा पानी चल्दैन, जातीय कारणले चौरजहारी नरसंहार हुन्छ! – बाबुराम विश्वकर्मा
- देशभित्रैको सिमानासँग कहिलेसम्म लडिरहने ? प्रकाश सपूत
- दलितको हत्या कहिलेसम्म? – मिमबहादुर परियार
- सहरमा दलित – गौरी नेपाली
- छुत योनिको अछुत कथा-सरिता परियार
- जातको जाँतो- सरिता परियार
- आमाको उधारो हिसाब–किताब- सरिता परियार
- अन्तर्जातीय प्रेममा दलितको मूल्य – शुष्मा बराली
- भेरीमा बगेको हाम्रो मानवता – मिलन बगाले
- साेसल मिडिया र दलित बिमर्श-जेबी विश्वकर्मा
- सत्ता, शक्ति र जातीय अहंकारमा रुमलिएको रुकुम हत्याकाण्ड – रमेश सुनाम
- तपाईं तटस्थ कि अन्यायी ? – प्रणिका कोयू
- मैले दलित समुदायसँग माफी माग्नैपर्छ – डोलु आले मगर
- उत्पीडनको छत्रछायामा ‘सामाजिक सद्भाव’–राजेन्द्र महर्जन/सरिता परियार
- न्यायकालागि दलित लेखन — सुभाष नेपाली र श्याम शर्मा
- प्रजाको ‘पाप’, श्री ५ को ‘पुण्य’ –राजेन्द्र महर्जन
- ‘परम्परागत क्वारेन्टाइन’ मा पतियाको छाया –राजेन्द्र महर्जन
- छुवाछूतको भाइरस !–राजेन्द्र महर्जन
- उदारवादको निरन्तर अभिनय – डा. सञ्जीव उप्रेती
- जातीय आतंकवाद विरुद्ध ! – शिवहरि ज्ञवाली
- नाममा के छैन ? -शिवहरि ज्ञवाली
- प्रेम बर्जित देशमा…-शिवहरि ज्ञवाली
- जरुर, जातमा केही त छ ! -शिवहरि ज्ञवाली
- ्थिति मल्लका गणतान्त्रिक ‘प्रेत’ -शिवहरि ज्ञवाली
- दानदक्षिणाको जातशास्त्र-शिवहरि ज्ञवाली
- दलित हिंसामा तपाईं र मेरो जिम्मेवारी – Sanjeev Pokharel
- न्यायको ढोकामा पनि दलित अछूत ? – मनबहादुर बस्नेत
- आरक्षण ब्राह्मणहरुले पनि पाएकै हुन्- नरेश रेग्मी
- जातीय अर्थतन्त्र – शुभाष नेपाली
- सुशासनका लागि समावेशी शासन – शुभाष नेपाली
- थर खोज्नेहरूका नाममा ! – शुभाष नेपाली
- पानी छोएको निहुमा मान्छे मारिने नीति र नियति कहिलेसम्म ? – संजिव कार्की
- तपाईको थर पनि भन्नुस न ! – संजिव कार्की
- प्रेमको बदला मृत्यु उपहार दिने जातीय भाइरस – संजिव कार्की
- Kunjani Pariyar and Binita Nepali, Nepal’s caste struggle
- Shikhar Sharma, Dalits, disasters and discrimination
- What is and isn’t in a word? – Suresh Bishwakarma
- Supposed ‘suicides’ point towards police incompetence – Abha Lal
- Killing in the name of caste – The Record
- Nawaraj: The Spark that will light the fire – Binayak Sundas
- Untouchable Stories of touchable vaginas – Sarita Pariyar (adapted version of a translation by Prawin Adhikari)
- Still Untouchable – Amish Raj Mulmi
- Caste has been essential to the Nepali Hindu state – Amish Raj Mulmi
- Lying to survive: Dalits in urban life – Gauri Nepali (translated by Sandesh Ghimire)
- Caste Apartheid in the Judiciary – Raksha Ram Harijan
- On Seeing “Dalit” Lives – Abha Lal
- Bullied Every Time
- Bahunvada: Myth or Reality – Kamal P. Malla
- The moment of truth – Rajani Maharjan
- The Third Space of Conversation – Sanjeev Uprety
- Casteized Economy – Subhash Nepali
- Judging by caste – Roshani Sunam
- Justice deferred for Dalits – Suraj Ray
- Structural blindness – Subhash Nepali
- From tika to ashes – Sarita Pariyar
- Casteized Economy – Subhash Nepali
- Read, write and bring about changes – Subhash Nepali
- The media’s portrayal of Dalits is incomplete – Sarita Pariyar
- Gender-aware policies needed – Subhash Nepali
- Non-Dalits are not shaken to the core; the response is hollow: Dalit youths – Anjali Subedi
Videos on History of the Caste System in Nepal
- Interviews about Dalit oppression : Sajha Sawal Episode with Aahuti and Dinesh Tripathi
The Record
- The History Series
- The criminalization of cow slaughter is a tool of caste-terror – Shiva Hari Gyawali
- डोम समुदायको पहिचान : बलिँदो जीवनशैल
- Varna System and Class Struggle in Nepal – Aahuti
- A Land of our Own – Suvash Darnal
Please contact Himal Books for the following books
- नेपालको चिनारी – टोनी हागन
- The Stigma of the Name: Making and Remaking of Dalit Identity – Amar Bahadur BK
- Land, Lineage and State : A Study of Newar Society in Medieval Nepal – Prayag Raj Sharma
- The State and Society in Nepal: Historical foundations and contemporary trends – Prayag Raj Sharma
- The Caste Hierarchy and the State of Nepal: A Study of the Muluki Ain of 1854 – Andras Hofer
Please contact Pilgrims Books for the following books
Books Available on Amazon
- On the Edge of the Auspicious: Gender and Caste in Nepal – Mary M. Cameron.
- The Nepali Dalit Social Movement – Yam Bahadur Kisan
- Landownership in Nepal – Mahesh Chandra Regmi
- Fatalism and Development: Nepal’s Struggle for Modernization – Dor Bahadur Bista
Additional Books on Caste in General
- Caste Matters – Suraj Yengde
- Coming Out as Dalit – Yashica Dutt
- Republic of Caste – Anand Teltumbde
- Gulamgiri/ Slavery – Jyotiba Phule
Journal Articles
- The Modernity of Caste and the Market Economy
- Caste and development: Contemporary perspectives on a structure of discrimination and advantage
- Travelling Castes: Nepalese Immigrants in Australia – Mitra Pariyar
- Living with Diabetes : Lay Narratives as Idioms of Distress among the Low-Caste Dalit of Nepal – Tirtha B. Thapa
- Children from Dalit Community in Rural Nepal: A Challenge to Inclusive Education – Damodar Khanal
- Dalit Identity in urban Pokhara, Nepal – Bishnu Pariyar and John C. Lovett
- Democratic Politics in Nepal: Dalit Political Inequality and Representation – Mom Bishwakarma
- Evidence of Earnings Inequality based on Caste in Nepal – Menuka Karki and Alok K. Bohara
- The Dalit Context- Harka Gurung
- Empowering Women through Education: Experiences from Dalit Women in Nepal – Nerine Guinee
- Perceptions of Social Change in Nepal: Are Caste, Ethnicity, and Region of Relevance – Aadne Aasland and Marit Haug
- Caste, State and Ethnic Boundaries in Nepal – Nancy E. Levine
Studies and Reports
नेपालमा सकारात्मक उपाय र सामाजिक समावेशीकरण : अवधारणा, अनुभव र उपादेयता – यामबहादुर किसान
प्यूठान ओखरकोटका दलितहरु : एक अध्ययन – डा. यामबहादुर किसान, अर्जुन विश्वकर्मा र बिरु नेपाली
- जातीय विभेदः न्यायका लागि पहल (नेपालमा दलित मानवअधिकार)- शिवहरि ज्ञवाली
- नेपाली मिडियामा दलितः सहभागिता र विषयवस्तु- जेबी विश्वकर्मा
- Social Exclusion and Conflict Transformation in Nepal: Women, Dalit and Ethnic Groups
- The Nepal Multidimensional Exclusion Index: Making Smaller Social Groups Visible and Providing a Baseline for Tracking Results on Social Inclusion
- Statistical Evidence on Social and Economic Exclusion in Nepal
- Gender and Social Exclusion in Nepal : Update
- Opening the door to Equality: Access to Justice for Dalits in Nepal
- Key Challenges and Strategic Tools to Combat Caste-based and Analogous Forms of Discrimination
- Ethnicity, Inequality and Politics in Nepal – edited by Mahendra Lawoti and Arjun Guneratne
- Some Aspects of Nepal’s Social Demography: Census 2011 Update – Pitamber Sharma
- Multi-ethnic Interface in Eastern Nepal – Anne Z. Parker
- Land and Social Change in East Nepal : A Study of Hindu-Tribal Relations
- The Economic and Social Basis for State Restructuring in Nepal
Policy Papers
Violence Against Dalit Community in Nepal
The Case of Nabaraj BK
Timeline of the Incident
- चौरजहारी घटनाबारे इन्सेको स्थलगत अध्ययन प्रतिवेदन: घरेलु हतियारद्वारा एकतर्फी आक्रमण
- रुकुम घटना : ‘नवराजहितका युवालाई चार गाउँ मिलेर लखेटेका थिए’
- रुकुम घटना : अझै छट्पटाइरहेका छन् घाइते
- रुकुम घटनाका पडित भन्छन् : न्याय पनि मर्ने हो कि भन्ने चिन्ता छ
The Case of Angira Pasi
The Case of Ajit Mijar
The Case of Maya BK
Other Cases
- Discrimination against Dalits still rife, continue to be left out of decision making process
- Death in Nepal, Eviction in Australia – Caste-Based Discrimination Prevalent at Home and Away
- Nepal: Ensure Justice for Caste-Based Killings
COVID and Caste-based discrimination
Organizations working on rights of Dalit community
- Samata Foundation
- Dalit NGO Federation
- Center for Dalit Women Nepal
- Nepal National Dalit Social Welfare Organization (NNDSWO)
- Association for Dalit Women’s Advancement in Nepal (ADWAN)
- Jagaran Media Center
- Feminist Dalit Organization
- Dalit Welfare Organization
- Dignity Initiative
History of the Caste System, General
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